
YOSUN was established by Mr. Cheng Wu in May 1980. YOSUN specializes in sales and service of semi-conducting electronic components manufactured more by more than 30 manufacturers around the world including Samsung, STMicroelectronics, Fairchild, Texas Instruments, SMSC etc. For many years, YOSUN has never strayed from its adherence to its core corporate values of “Trust, Professionalism, and Sustainability” and the company has become the largest distributor of Samsung and STMicroelectronics in the Asia Pacific region. In the future, YOSUN will continue its quest to improve service quality and to provide our clients “A+ Service” and also to, together with our suppliers, expand our market share. YOSUN issued an IPO in March 2000, and with its combination of unrivalled specialization, operational know how and a top notch service team, has generated an excellent corporate performance with an annual revenue of over 47.6 billion dollars by the end of 2004. YOSUN has over 1,000 employees and operational establishments that cover the entire Asia Pacific region. YOSUN has become a true international corporation. In order to provide service to clients operating in the Asia Pacific region, YOSUN opened its branch in Singapore in 1991 as its front line for the Asia Pacific. By 1995, YOSUN established a subsidiary in Hong Kong as China began to display its endless potential and now YOSUN currently operates in 13 sites in China. In 2004 YOSUN's establishme nt in New Yokohama became operational as YOSUN eyes the positive future in the Northeastern Asia market potential. Besides adding regional establishments, YOSUN had also established distribution centers in Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore to provide services wherever clients are. Subsidary: Yosun Industrial Corp.;Yosun Hong Kong Corp. Ltd.;GIATEK Corp. Ltd.;YOSUN SOUTH CHINA CORP LTD.;Yosun Electronics ( Shanghai ) Ltd.;Yosun Singapore Pte Ltd.;Yosun Japan Corp.;Sertek Inc.

Contact Information

China Singapore Japan HongKong India Malaysia Taiwan Thailand

yosun-group In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
青岛 +86-532-8387-0325 山东省青岛市山东路2号甲华仁国际大16楼H区,266071
西安 +86-29-8871-2284  西安市高新区科技路50号金桥国际广场A座704室 
杭州 +86-571-8692-0065  杭州市新塘路19号采荷嘉业大厦1幢406室 
武汉 +86-27-8686-0157  武汉市洪山区珞瑜路1号鹏程国际A座601
Shanghai 上海 +86-21-5836-5838 上海市浦东新区浦东南路1111号新世纪办公中心15层
苏州 +86-512-8717-6558 苏州工业园区苏华路8号中银惠龙大厦29楼2909室
Beijing 北京 +86-10-5165-9886  北京市海淀区知春路甲63号北京卫星大厦11层1106室
南京 +86-25-83242698 南京市鼓楼区中央路323号利奥大厦2020室
宁波 +86-574-8734-4333  宁波市中山东路181号中农信国际大厦10层1005室
深圳 +86-755-2399-2288 深圳市福田区福中一路1016号地铁大厦17-19F
厦门 +86-592-2117598  福建省厦门市鹭江道8号国际银行大厦14楼H1单元 
广州 +86-20-3820-2813  广东省广州市天河区体育东路114-118号财富广场东塔2705室
成都 +86-28-8670-3896~7 四川省成都市锦江区福兴街1号华敏翰尊国际大厦1309

yosun-group In Singapore

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(65) 6552 4811 159, Sin Ming Road, #04-04, Amtech Building, Singapore 575625 

yosun-group In Japan

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Yokohama +81-45-474-2240 +81-45-474-0611 info@Yosun-jp.com 8F , 2-14-4 Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-city, 222-0033 Japan
Osaka +81-72-8748880  Kantate Bldg 2F 2-13-5 Akai,Daito, Osaka 574-0046 Japan

yosun-group In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
+852-3189-2000 香港九龙九龙湾常悦道3号企业广场2期27楼 

yosun-group In India

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
New Delhi (91) 11 4157 0306 507&509 Mahatta Tower, B-Block Community Centre, Janak Puri, New Delhi, 110058, India 
Bangalore (91) 80 4121 0539  132/4 2nd Cross, 3rd Block Jaya Nagar, Bangalore, 560011, India

yosun-group In Malaysia

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(02-04) 646 0776  1-4-05 Persiaran Bukit Jambul 1, Kompleks Sri Relau, 11900 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur (02-03) 4142 7823 No 2-4 30 Wisma Rampai, Jalan 34/26 Taman Sri Rampai, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

yosun-group In Taiwan

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
台北 (02)26598166、(02)26598168  台北市内湖区堤顶大道二段489号9楼
台北 +886-2-26960055  台北县汐止市221新台五路一段88号10楼
台中 +886-4-22929934 台中市西屯区文心路三段241号11楼之1 
高雄 +886-7-5362286  高雄市前镇区中山路二路2号12楼之1
新竹 +886-3-5715107  新竹市光复路二段295号13楼之5 

yosun-group In Thailand

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Bangkok (662) 645 3633 184 Forum Tower Building, 12th Floor Suite Room No. 184/19, Ratchadapisek Road, Huay Kwang Sub-District, Huay Kwang, Bangkok, 10320, Thailand