Rainbow Technologies

Rainbow Technologies with its six offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Ekaterinburg, Novisibirsk and Kiev has long and proven record of mutually beneficial co-operation with Western electronic components manufacturers as well as with Russian Englishineering companies designing products based on electronic components. Rainbow Technologies distributes electronic components of many Western companies on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Just to mention, for many years we have been the largest distributor of American Company Dallas Semiconductor in CIS. Now we are the official distributor of Maxim-Dallas company and a direct representative of Winbond Electronics, Telecontrolli, Holtek Semiconductor, Bolymin, Winstar. We are working successfully with many others!

Contact Information

Belarus Russia Ukraine

Rainbow Technologies In Belarus

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
+375 17 2498273 +375 17 2488812 chip@rainbow.by Plekhanova str., h. 72, office 22 220095, Minsk

Rainbow Technologies In Russia

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Moscow (495) 665-1001 (495) 665-1001 info@rtcs.ru Aviamotornaya str., 10/2 111024, Moscow
Ekaterinburg +7 343 261 7117 +7 343 269 4989 ural@rainbow.ur.ru Kuibysheva str., 48-B 620026 Ekaterinburg
St. Petersburg (812) 324-09-02 (812) 314-95-95 spb@rtcs.ru Pirogova side street, 7 190000 St. Peterburg
Novosibirsk (383)211-9087,211-9638 (383)211-9087,211-9638 nsk@rtcs.ru K. Marksa str. 57, Office 601 630073, Novosibirsk

Rainbow Technologies In Ukraine

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Kiev +38 044 520-04-77, 520-04-78, 520-04-79 +38 044 520-04-77, 520-04-78, 520-04-79 chip@rainbow.com.ua Urickogo str. 32, Office 1 03035, Kiev