
WT Microelectronics Co., Ltd. was founded by current President, Mr. Wen-Tsung Cheng, in December 1993. With its professional team consisting of professional managers who have more than 10 years of experience in the component industry, WT has the right direction of meeting customer needs and recognize the market trend development to build a well-organized distribution channel. In the fierce competition of high technology industry, WT plays a professional distributor role to build up the linkage between component manufacturers and customers. With its value-added support, WT is able to help customers to reduce R&D expenditures at the same time assist component manufacturers to define the right products for the market. Based on the spirit of "Profession, Reliability (Trustworthiness) and Continuous Growth", WT focus is on achieving outstanding performance and continuous innovation. Owing to its aggressive actions, WT has plans to be listed in the OTC market by the year of 2000. The Company will continue to offer broad product lines to satisfy customers needs and assist component manufacturers to enhance competition capability. WT wants to share the Company's success with its customers, suppliers, shareholders, and employees.

Contact Information

China Singapore HongKong India Malaysia South-Korea Taiwan Thailand

wt-mec In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
深圳 (86)755-2674-3880 (86)755-2674-3990 中国广东省深圳市南山区科技园高新区南区南一道创维大厦C区8楼, 518057
东莞 (86)769-2698-1385 中国广东省东莞市南城区沿河路景湖湾畔花园7栋3座801室, 523000
成都 (86)28-86151266 (86)28-86156266 中国四川省成都市青羊区锦里东路2号宏达大厦12楼G-H座
厦门 (86)0592 -2201280 (86)0592 -2201260 中国福建省厦门市湖滨西路东方时代广场富春阁3001室, 361000
Shanghai 上海 (86)21-58750858 (86)21-58753868 中国上海市浦东新区浦建路76号由由国际广场10楼, 200127
Beijing 北京 (86)10-8263-7388 (86)10-8263-7099 中国北京市海淀区知春路113号银网中心20楼2003-2005室,100086
Nanjing 南京 (86)25- 8689 0468 (86)25- 8478 0082 中国江苏省南京市中山南路49号商贸世纪广场25层C3-C7, 210005
苏州 (86)512-6862-3889 (86)512-6862-3880 中国江苏省苏州市苏州新区狮山路199号A栋17楼阳光新地大厦1701-B,215011
武汉 (86)27-8732 2960 (86)27-8725 9122 武汉市武昌区中南路7号中商广场写字楼A座2512室
Qingdao 青岛 (86) 532-66885860 (86) 532-66885870 中国山东省青岛市市南区福州南路87号402室, 266071
杭州 (86)571-8763-2250 (86)571-8763-2287 中国浙江省杭州市西湖区天目山路161号滙丰公寓南幢1单元1401室

wt-mec In Singapore

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(65) 6853 1788 (65) 6853 1186 / 6853 1286 53 Serangoon North Avenue 4, #04-01 Singapore 555852

wt-mec In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(852)2950-0820 (852)2950-0386 香港荃湾青山道264-298号南丰中心十九楼1901室

wt-mec In India

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Mumbai (91)99-45605860 B Type, Building No-3, 1st floor Room no-6, Sector no-1, Vashi Navi Mumbai, 400703, India
Bangalore (91)80-26781048 (91)80-26780548 No.76, 2nd Floor, 36th Main, BTM Dollar Scheme, BTM 1st Stage, Madiwala, Bangalore, 560068, India
(91)11-40545179 (91)11-40545178 B-140, Ground Floor, DDA Shed Okhala Industrial Area Phase – I, 110020, India

wt-mec In Malaysia

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Penang (60)4-6463 512/524 (60)4-6463 630 Unit 1- 3-35 and Unit 1-3-36, Level 3, Krystal Point Corporate Park, Lebuh Bukit Kecil 6, 11900, Sg Nibong, Penang, Malaysia

wt-mec In South-Korea

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
82 (31) 385 - 5775 82 (31) 385 - 6446 3F, National Health Insurance Co. Bldg., 1603, Burim-Dong, Dongan-Gu, Anyang-City, Gyeonggi-Do, 431-815, Korea

wt-mec In Taiwan

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
台北 (886)2-8226 9088 (886)2-8226 9099 台湾台北县中和市中正路738号14楼
高雄 (886)7-350 4388 (886)7-350 4188 813高雄市左营区重爱路359号11楼之1

wt-mec In Thailand

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Bangkok (66)2-6941 727 (66)2-6941 707 Le Concorde Tower, Unit 2003 Floor 20th 202 Ratchadapisek Rd, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310