
Established in 1977,Weikeng Industrial Group (weikeng Group) is of the 7 largest greater China distributors, Headquartered in Taipei Taiwan,Weikeng Group has over 25 sales offices in greater China and Asia Pacific region including Hongkong, China, Singapore...... As a supply channel parter,Weikeng Group carries over 40 international brand names include AMD, Spansion, IR, Microchip,Trident,Sigmatel,Lattice,Silicon Image.....Weikeng Group offers a comprehensive rang of components spanning semiconductors,Interconnect,passive and computer products (Monitor,CPU,HD) all provided with the convenience of one stop shopping. In China,the customer segment that Weikeng Group current serves include China Based Manufactures(CBM), Taiwan Based Manufactures(TBM),Hong Kong Based Manufactures(HBS),To meet the needs of both,supplies and customers.Weikeng International is Weikeng Group in China sale office is a wholly_owned subsidiary operations began in 1994, 382 employeess+ and 15 sales offices,sales fo 285 million US$ in 2006,35 R&D and 40 FAES strong technical support team in three major design center,Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing.and solution provied for: Multimedia: DVD,DVR,DVB-T.E-ALBUM,MP3/PMP Consumer: WF Motor,Ctrl E_Bike, E-tools, Home-Application TV: Analg/Digital LCD TV for Europe ,US,Asia .

Contact Information

China HongKong

weikeng-industrial In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Beijing 北京 010-62128866 010-62121670 北京市海淀区中关村南大街甲十二号寰太大厦四层408室
Shengyang 沈阳 吕先生 024-22921656 024-22927299 沈阳沈河区西滨河路58号未来城C座3-28-2室
Qingdao 青岛 方先生 0532-85764850 0532-85759501 青岛市市南0区福州南路75号政法公寓B座1206室
Xi'an 西安 赵先生 029-88258704 029-88271206 陕西省西安市高新区科技路26号质检大厦503室
Nanjing 南京 陈先生 025-84622225 025-84601807 南京市白下区龙蟠中路311号御园高层1504室
Shanghai 上海 董小姐 021-33727700 021-33727033 上海长宁区长宁路1018号龙之梦大厦18楼
Suzhou 苏州 贺先生 0512-68180898 0512-68180811 苏州市狮山路35号金河国际大厦16楼1607室
Chengdu 成都 赵先生 028-85257498 028-85250768 中国成都一环路南一段12号锦学阁7B
Hangzhou 杭州 刘先生 0571-85028145 0571-85028146 杭州市文三路477号516室
Guangzhou 广州 洪先生 020-87549021 020-87516467 广州市天河区天河南二路29号丰兴广场华兴阁1203
Xiamen 厦门 沈先生 0592-5683801 0592-5683447 厦门市嘉禾路347号摩登时代大厦2311室
Fuzhou 福州 陈先生 0591-87589289 0591-87589289 福建省福州市晋安区茶园路实达温泉花园C#506
Ningbo 宁波 齐先生 0574-87781554 0574-87781554 宁波市江东区樟树街48弄75号303室
Shenzhen 深圳 张小姐 0755-82943322 0755-82966606 深圳市福田区竹子林紫竹六道49号敦煌大厦8楼
Wuhan 武汉 张小姐 027-87652783 027-87652771 湖北省武汉市武昌街道口鹏程国际B座612室
Chongqing 重庆 谢先生 023-67752309 023-67750962 重庆市江北区观音桥步行5号邦兴北都1102号

weikeng-industrial In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
梁小姐 0852-27999035 0852-27966968 香港观塘荣业街2号振万广场11楼1102-1103室