Siltrontech Electronics Corporation

Siltrontech Electronics Corporation established from 1992, headquarter locates in Taipei and also set up warehouse in Hong Kong. Siltrontech has been dedicated in promoting local/foreign Vendor's products to the local manufacturers. Owing to the full support from vendors and tender care form customers, Siltrontech continuously grows for the last years. During the ups and down, Siltrontech has learned that the only way to win customers is to provide blameless service and FAE support in the price war. That is the all win Scenario for vendors, customers and Siltrontech. The spiritual goal of Siltrontech is to provide the best service to customers, including technical support, helping customers for new product design-win and various needs from customers. Siltrontech will strive to provide all resource and information to commit customer satisfaction. By these good ideas and the efforts we offered, we wish to combine with the close relations to both vendors and customers to run and eternal enterprise to create our future.

Contact Information

China Taiwan

Siltrontech Electronics Corporation In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
北京 86-10-5165-9886 86-10-6253-7066 北京市海淀区苏州街29号院18号维亚大厦19层1916室
上海 86-21-5836-5838 86-21-5836-2116 上海市200120浦东新区浦东南路1111号新世纪办公中心11楼
深圳 86-755-2399-2208 86-755-2399-2206 深圳市518026福田区福中一路1016号地铁大厦附楼第三层A区

Siltrontech Electronics Corporation In Taiwan

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
886-2-2790-9668 886-2-8791-8166 台北市11469内湖区行善路118号6楼
886-4-2298-4692 886-4-2293-6741 台中市40753西屯区文心路三段241号11楼之1
886-7-537-3667 886-7-537-1603 高雄市80660前镇区中山二路2号12楼之1