
SAPL’s main products are grouped under 2 categories; Consumer and Industrial applications for various industries, including telecommunications, consumer electronics, automotive, lighting, optics and laser applications. The main product segments include Bluetooth devices, Dect and VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), Digital Set Top boxes (TV application), Power and Industrial solutions, Laser modules, Automotive, Commercial & Industrial LED Lighting solutions. Over the years, SAPL has built strong connections with reputable suppliers. In her drive to be the leading player in the industry, SAPL has clinched distributorships for numerous high quality components from renowned suppliers like NXP, Infineon, Qimonda, Osram, Sanyo, OKI, Micronas, IBM, etc. With this, SAPL is well known for her reputation in providing reliable products for her clients. Having also acquired in-depth technical capabilities, SAPL collaborates with other subsidiaries under Sieamp (BC2L, American IT, Newsmart Vision, Moveon, OLAS, Inverton, WyPhi & Genie-Sys) in various areas of Research and Development to help customers develop cutting edge products. This is a value added service which is well embraced by the clients. To date, SAPL has offices across Singapore (HQ), Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Bangkok, Mumbai, and Manila, all near to fast expanding markets.

Contact Information

China Singapore Malaysia

silicon-application In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Shanghai 上海 +86-21-50809679 +86-21-50273231 Room 312, 3rd Floor, Building 2 No. 1690, Cai Lun Road ZhangJiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai 201203, China
Shenzhen 深圳 +86-755-83583881 +86-755-83583682 Room 207-208, 2/F, Block A, Tianji Building, Tian An Cyber Park, Futian District,Shenzhen, China PC 518040

silicon-application In Singapore

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
+65-64837112 +65-64837446 2 Ang Mo Kio Street 64, Ang Mo Ko Industrial Park 3, Unit #03-05, Econ Bldg, Singapore 569084

silicon-application In Malaysia

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Penang +60-4-6433831 +60-4-6433824 1-4-12A, Krystal Point II, Lebuh Bukit Kecil 6, Bayan Lepas, 11900, Penang, Malaysia