SEED International Ltd

SEED stands for ‘Special Electronic Equipment Device', was founded in 1995, with 170 employees and 13 branches in Mainland China as well as one office in Hong Kong . We are the only company in China who has obtained the triple identity as Distributor, Third Party and Authorized Software Provider of Texas Instruments, and we have been dedicating to lead the development of DSP and FPGA technology for a decade. Being the largest supplier of DSP tools and the largest DSP distributor of Texas Instruments in China, we have been awarded The Most Successful Partner by TI for many times in account of offering best-solution-DSP and its peripheries, as well as the tailored services for customers. SEED has obtained IS09001 Quality System Certification in 2001, which is the symbol of confidence and a mark of quality to our customers. Meanwhile, SEED has gained great partnerships with Xilinx, Sundance, VirtualLogix and Pixim. We are looking forward to taking a chance to contribute to your success.

Contact Information

China HongKong

SEED International Ltd In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Beijing 北京 010-59796855 北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号寰太大厦1201号
上海 021-63276977 021-63270962 上海市黄埔区成都北路500号峻岭广场2504室
深圳 0755-33981828 0755-33981838 深圳市福田区泰然工贸园苍松大厦南座1815-1816
南京 025-84650405,84650406 025-84650557 南京市中山东路218号长安国际中心2601室
Xian 西安 029-88850390;029-88850387 029-88850387 西安市南二环西段202号九座花园2219室
成都 028-85441353 , 85431123 028-85458130 人民南路3段林荫街华西大厦A座602室
杭州 0571-88259367, 88259327, 88250628 , 88218529 0571-88259357 杭州教工路6号求是大厦16楼B-1座
武汉 027-59619680 027-59619619 湖北武汉东湖高新开发区8号慧谷时空大厦805室
广州 020-38921115 020-38921116 020-38921117 020-38921158 广州市天河区五山路141-2号尚德大厦A2103室
天津 022-23556617 022-23556617 天津市河西区气象台路48号增1号先特写字楼406室
合肥 0551-3668853,3668854 0551-3668853-808 合肥市金寨路93号鸿基广场504室(中国科技大学东区正大门对面)
长沙 0731-88906758 0731-88906758 湖南长沙河西岳麓区银盆南路357-3号威胜大厦B座602室
哈尔滨 0451-86203773 哈尔滨市南岗区文君街69号文君花园E栋5单元301

SEED International Ltd In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
+852-34268098 , 34268099 +852-34264806 香港九龍觀塘開源道48號威利廣场22楼2208室