Secom Telecom

Secom Telecom is one of the most important electronic component distributors in China. The persistent and high-speed development in 14 years makes SECOM stand out against all the other distributors. SECOM has been cooperating successfully with world-famous semiconductor enterprises for many years, such as Avago Technologies, Agilent Technologies, Actel, Rogers, Silicon Laboratories, Micrel, Hittite Microwave, Tyco/Raychem and Ikanos. SECOM has been an authorized distributor of Agilent Technologies’ Test & Measurement Instrument since Sept. 2005, professionally selling Agilent’s Basic Test & Measurement Instrument. In 2006, SECOM became a platform for supply of Agilent’s Microwave Test Accessories and economically RF signal generator & spectrum analyzer. In the same year, SECOM came to be the authorized distributor of Austriamicrosystems AG in China region. Then in 2007, it becomes a distributor for Memsic Inc. and Littelfuse Inc. in mainland China and HongKong SAR.

Contact Information

China HongKong

Secom Telecom In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Shenzhen 深圳 (86-755)25155888 25155887 (86-755)25155880 25155881 25165635 深圳市人民南路3005号深房广场A座32楼
Nanjing 南京 (86-25)84552900 84552911 84552920 (86-25)84552922 南京市中山东路147号大行宫大厦1206室
Beijing 北京 (86-10)82336866 (86-10)82336966 北京市海淀区知春路1号学院国际大厦603
Shanghai 上海 (86-21)52371820 (86-21)32120694 上海市定西路1100号辽油大厦5楼D座
Hangzhou 杭州 (86-571)88398810 (86-571)88398825 杭州市德胜路385号银都大厦1110室
Chengdu 成都 (86-28)82981751 82981752 (86-28)82981753 成都市新华大道文武路42号新时代广场11楼G单元
Wuhan 武汉 (86-27)87322726 (86-27)87322920 武汉市武昌中南路7号中商广场A座2004室
Xi'an 西安 (86-29)88323435 88327570 (86-29)88323331 西安市高新开发区高新路48号火炬大厦705D室
Qingdao 青岛 (86-532)85899132 (86-532)85899273 青岛市市南区香港中路77号香岛大厦610室
Xiamen 厦门 (86-592)5806950 (86-592)5806951 厦门市湖滨北路莲滨里36号水岸筼筜B栋702室

Secom Telecom In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(852)26249917 (852)26249937 香港观塘开源道62号骆驼漆大厦1期11楼A、B室