Monolitic S.A.

The distribution and representation of electronic components in Spain and Portugal. Our mission To achieve a level of excellence as suppliers of quality products combined with an outstanding service to the customers. Our business philosophy Customers & suppliers: To establish a long term strategic partnership based on mutual trust and shared success. Markets: We cover both the Spanish and the Portuguese markets. Personnel: Our staff is formed by a team of qualified people with experience in our field of work. Everybody is motivated to meet our targets and we share our success with everyone who contributes to the achievement of our goals. Product line Monolitic supports the commercial, industrial, military and space markets throughout its different products: Active components Passive components Optoelectronic Power supplies Sensors Obsolete and hard to find products Lighting

Contact Information

India Portugal Spain

Monolitic S.A. In India

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
91 572 03 28 91 572 02 18 Francisco Gervás 17 esc. central, 5º F 28020 MADRID

Monolitic S.A. In Portugal

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
94 411 62 49 93 284 11 93 Edificio Noray c/ José Luis de Goyoaga, 32 Oficina 208 48950-ERANDIO
351-21-9221918 351-21-9221920 Avda. Candido Oliveira 21-21A 2725-247 MEN MARTIN

Monolitic S.A. In Spain

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
95 223 63 42 95 223 60 87 Cee,SL Castelao 2, local 9, Pol. Guadalhorce 29004 MALAGA
BARCELONA 93 285 92 92 93 284 11 93 Avda. Vallcarca, 78-80, entlo. 08023 BARCELONA