Lestina International Ltd

Lestina International Ltd is the authorized distributor and representative of a number of major U.S. semi-conductor manufacturers for China and Hong Kong area. Lestina International Ltd has liaison offices in Beijing , Shenzhen, Shanghai , Chengdu and Taiwan . As the authorized representative and distributor of semi-conductor companies, Lestina International Ltd provides excellent sales services and strong technical support to our customers. Lestina International Ltd in Hong Kong and the offices in Beijing , Shenzhen, Shanghai , Chengdu and Taiwan . have Application Engineering Department to provide presales and after sales technical support for our customers.

Contact Information

China HongKong Taiwan

Lestina International Ltd In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Shenzhen 深圳 86-0755-83438383 86-0755-83439676 sales@lestina.com 深圳市福田区天安数码城创新科技广场A座806座
Shanghai 上海 86-021-62372252/62372253/62372283 86-021-62371877 stevenl@estina.com.cn 上海市遵义路100号虹桥上海城B座1808室
Beijing 北京 86-010-82784510/82784511/82784512 86-010-82784515 masonw@estina.com.cn 京市海淀区上地三街嘉华大厦D座605座
Chengdu 成都 +86-28-8514-4000/8514-4400/8519-4671 +86-28-8518-7012 billzh@lestina.com.cn 中国成都市高新区永丰路47号丰尚商务楼534室
Wuhan 武汉 +86-27-8753-0227 kevinx@lestina.com.cn 中国武汉市洪山区锦绣良缘A4-1-302
Xiamen 厦门 +86-592-8797-779 wolf@lestina.com.cn 中国厦门市古龙商城禾祥西路538号502室
深圳 86 755 83438383 /18680308171 86 755 83439876 GavinL@Lestina.com.cn

Lestina International Ltd In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
852-2735-1736 852-2730-5260 sales@lestina.com 香港九龙湾宏开道8号其士商业中心10楼1001室

Lestina International Ltd In Taiwan

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
+886-2-8797-4589 +886-2-8797-3475 jkpen@lestina.com 台北市内湖区内湖路一段360巷15号6楼之4