Founded in 1979, Galaxy Far East Corporation (GFEC) is the first A/D converter importer in Taiwan and the first local electronic distributor introducing Harris and Altera products into Taiwan. Over the past 20 years or so, GFEC has been a successful technology and service oriented distributor with glorious achievements. We will continue this tradition to provide premium IC products and services to customers.
GFEC has been growing steadily over the years as witnessed by the progress in various aspects, whether it is product R&D or market expansion, and all have been getting on the right track. GFEC has a well-organized technology application team to provide technical support for customers developing products with our products. Our customers are coming from all industries and areas, including IT, communication, industrial electronics, and military industry. Today, we are one of the leading distributors of IC products in Taiwan and China. Especially in recent years when high-tech industries are growing rapidly, GFEC has taken the opportunity to accelerate the R&D of CPLD technology to facilitate the enterprise to enter the market and to help customers develop their products according to their time to market. Nowadays, almost all high-tech chipsets and ASICs (Intersil, Micrel, Micrel-Synergy, Genesyslogic Teknovus), logic ICs (AverLogic), optoelectronic components, CLPDs (Altera), ZMDs etc are distributed by GFEC.
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