Cytech Technology Ltd

Founded in 1998, Cytech Technology Ltd. is among the fastest growing distributors of electronic components in Hong Kong and China today. Headquartered in Hong Kong, it has 13 regional offices, spread across China, including Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai. With over 200 employees, Cytech specializes in demand creation, meeting global supply. Cytech's portfolio of services includes technical and logistic support, buffer stocks and total solutions. Cytech distributes over 25 high-tech semiconductor products from USA, viz. ALTERA, IDT, MICRON, LINEAR TECHNOLOGY and others. Each international brand is globally recognized and each product is the yardstick, when it comes to measuring quality. The Company's objective is primarily to provide high quality and up-to-the-minute specialized technology that satisfies every customer's requirements.

Contact Information

China HongKong

Cytech Technology Ltd In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Shenzhen 深圳 (86755) 2693 5811 (86755) 2693 5400 中国深圳市华侨城汉唐大厦702A-B
Wuhan 武汉 (8627) 8756 8665;8756 8487;8756 8546 (8627) 8756 8690 中国武汉市洪山区吴家湾邮科院路 联合国际大厦7层7001室
Xiamen 厦门 (86592) 2681022 (Heiko Wu) (86592) 2681023 中国厦门湖滨北路57号Bingo城际商务中心0231室
Nanjing 南京 (8625) 8481 0877 (8625) 8480 8023 中国南京市黄埔路2号黄埔大厦10D1座
Hangzhou 杭州 (86571) 8755 2869 (86571) 8755 2657 中国杭州市延安南路9号吴山名楼6010室
Qingdao 青岛 (86532) 8598 8435 (Kim Zeng) 中国青岛市市北区宁安路7号福岭社区A5-3-401
Chengdu 成都 (8628) 8652 7116, 8652 7226, 8652 7336 (8628) 8652 7556 中国成都市顺城大街308号冠城广场26楼H座
Xi'an 西安 (8629) 8836 2820, 8837 8918 (8629) 8837 8919 中国西安市南二环路西段9号永安大厦303室
Shanghai 上海 (8621) 6440 1373 (8621) 6440 0166 中国上海市中山西路1800号兆丰环球大厦10D & E1
Beijing 北京 (8610) 8260 7990 8610) 8260 7570 中国北京市海淀区北四环西路58号理想国际大厦5楼501室
Guangzhou 广州 (8620) 8526 3633 (Franky Feng) 中国广州天河区体育东路体育东横街72号401房
Chongqing 重庆 (8623) 6707 1435 中国重庆市渝北区武陵路93号

Cytech Technology Ltd In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(852) 2375 8866 (852) 2375 7700 香港九龙观塘鸿图道1号2楼205-206室