Aiden Co.Ltd.

We can provide you the latest information at reasonable rates and delivery times as an agent for major Japanese and foreign FA device manufacturers and mechanical parts manufacturers. Our particular strength is our ability to provide foreign brand products, which meet present, global standards. Our varied product line includes electrical, mechanical, and mechatronic products.

Contact Information

China Japan Thailand

Aiden Co.Ltd. In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
上海 021-64400935 上海市 徐汇区 漕宝路509号 新漕河泾大厦407-410单元 200233

Aiden Co.Ltd. In Japan

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
长野 +81-266-54-3150 长野连接器。1楼,2950-3 Nakasu,Suwa,长野392-0015,日本
大阪 +81-6-6339-2433 11-34,丰田章男,大阪564-0051日本
广岛 +81-82-503-1060 Kinoshita Kogyo Bld.2-26,Teramachi,Nakaku,广岛730-0801,日本
福冈 +81-942-34-8841 102-2 Kogashira-cho,Kurume,福冈,830-0045,日本
北关 +81-28-305-3124 3020-1,Imaizumi-cho,Utsunomya City Tochigi 321-0962,日本
西东京 +81-48-468-1800 王牌。2 f,1-6-26,Higashi-binai,Asaka,Saitama 351-0022,日本
大田 +81-3-3813-8615 大田宜久。3楼,2-29-3,日本岛,东京,113-0034
Atsugi +81-46-227-1361 第403、1-8-6、Asahimachi、Atsugi、Kanagawa 243-0014、日本
熊本 +81-96-340-2322 164-2 Tsukure,Kikuyou-cho,Kikuchi-gun,Kumamoto 869-1101,日本

Aiden Co.Ltd. In Thailand

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
曼谷 +66(0)2-632-6728, 6729 16Fl. Thaniya Plaza Bld.,No.52 Silom Rd., Suriyawongse Sub-disrict, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand