Aero-Space Southwest, Inc

Aero-Space Southwest, Inc., was founded in 1982, in Phoenix, Arizona as a Distributor of Fasteners and Electronic Components. We are proud to be a family owned business that is dedicated to providing excellence through quality products and exceptional service. Over the last two decades our determination and commitment to this goal has enabled us through continued growth to develop multiple stocking facilities both on the West Coast and in Mexico. Our line card contains numerous Manufacturers that are leaders in the industry and set the standard and pace of design and development in the Fastener and Electronic Component arena. Our insight and dedication to help our customers reduce the "total installed cost" of their Fasteners and Electronic Components led to Aero-Space Southwest being the first Distributor in our region to develop and offer Vendor Managed Inventory to our customers. Excellence in Customer Service is our philosophy in providing product knowledge and product diversification. We are unparalleled in exceeding our customers’ expectations. Our dedicated professional staff maintains the highest level of training, competence and integrity to ensure that we continue to provide the utmost in customer service. We offer immense flexibility to our customers by providing an open line of communication in order to quickly implement changes they may require. Aero-Space Southwest strives to understand our customers’ needs so that we may provide products on time and defect-free. Excellence in Quality is a continual commitment. We have been assessed and are certified as an AS 9100 Rev. B / ISO 9001:2000 compliant Distributor. We are constantly striving to maintain the highest level of quality and certification available. Our Quality program is designed to meet all your needs and requirements and we welcome the opportunity to provide you with the highest level of service and reliability.

Contact Information


Aero-Space Southwest, Inc In United-States

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
623-582-2779,1-800-289-2779 623-582-2019 21450 N. 3rd Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85027-2946
CALIFORNIA 408-434-9440,1-800-661-9440 408-434-9401 Silicon Valley Location 2300 Zanker Road Unit D,San Jose, CA 95131
714-221-1550,1-800-289-2779 714-221-1555 Anaheim Location 1515 S. Sunkist Street Unit J Anaheim, CA 92806-5808
WASHINGTON 425-984-2001 ,1-800-289-2779 425-984-2210 Northwest/Seattle Location 22116 23rd Drive S.E. Bothell, WA 98021
(0133) 3612-6786,1-888-907-1036 (0133) 3612-6864 Guadalajara Location Camino Av La Tijera 806 #A-2 Tlajomulco de Zuniga Jalisco CP 45640