
About S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Ltd. (Stock Code: 1184) Established since 1981 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1994. S.A.S. GROUP IS A LEADING ELECTRONIC SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES PROVIDER IN THE GREATER CHINA REGION. The Group specialises in design, development, sourcing, quality assurance and logistics management of global proprietary electronic components and semiconductor products including chipset solutions, display panels, memory chips, power supply system solutions, multimedia system solutions, PEMCO, IoT home automation solutions, light-emitting diode (“LED”) lighting solutions and other premier solutions for a wide range of applications for mobile, consumer electronic, computer and networking, telecommunication and LED lighting products. The Group is also a distributor of innovative environmental-friendly lifestyle enhancement finished products under and our owned brands of ,and in the Asia Pacific region. S.A.S. Group serves more than 100 famous semiconductor suppliers and over 10,000 customers such as electronics manufacturing services (“EMS”) providers, original equipment manufacturers, original design manufacturers, valued-added resellers, retailers and end customers and has more than 20 sales offices in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.

Contact Information


rsl In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
香港 (852) 3892 2888 (852) 3892 2818 (852) 2765 6469 (852) 2773 9900
香港 (852) 2759 1343 (852) 2759 7968 香港九龙红磡马头围道37号红磡商业中心B座6楼
深圳 0755- 8826 2699 0755- 8826 2633 0755-8826 2691 0755-8826 2660 0755-8826 2629 0755-8826 2655 中国深圳市福田区福中三路1006号诺德中心28楼
深圳 0755-2601 8812 0755-2698 4870 中国深圳市高新技术产业园区高新南7道R2-B栋2楼J室
深圳 0755- 8302 3509 0755-8826 2639 中国深圳市福田区车公庙天安数码城创新科技广场一期B座812A室
上海 021-5417 7001 021-5417 6067 021- 5417 7301 021- 5417 7232 中国上海市闵行区莘建东路58弄2号绿地科技岛广场A座30楼
上海 021- 5417 9201 021- 5417 9102 中国上海市闵行区莘建东路58弄2号绿地科技岛广场A座30楼
北京 010-84763751 / 84763925 010- 84763751转8007 中国北京市朝阳区广顺南大街16号院2号嘉美中心912室
台湾 (886 2) 2918 8958 (886 2) 2918 8952 新北市新店区宝桥路235巷3号6楼
台湾 (886 6) 243 3950 (886 6) 243 0741 台南市永康区永安二街15号