Protech Components Ltd

Since our establishment in 1980, we have been endeavouring to fulfill our customers' every request and to continually upgrade our services. With our profound experience and proficient technical support, Protech is now one of the major suppliers in the market, providing an extensive spectrum of electronic components to a multitude of customers in various market sectors. Due to our business expansion, we have established representative offices and R & D Departments in various parts in Mainland China, such as, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Shanghai, Beijing, etc. With our professional advice and advance technology, we are able to provide services of only the best quality to our valued customers. As we enter the new millennium, we hope to achieve even greater success. We are confident that with our well-established management system, professional expertise and the close co-operation of our dedicated personnel, we will thrive in different international markets.

Contact Information

China HongKong

Protech Components Ltd In China

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
Shanghai 上海 (021) 5417 8601 (021) 5417 8507 中 國 上 海 市 閔 行 區 莘 建 東 路 58 弄 綠 地 科 技 島 大 廈 A 座 29 樓 02-09 室
Beijing 北京 (010) 5158 1359 (010) 5158 1356 中 國 北 京 市 海 淀 區 中 關 村 南 大 街 甲 6 號 鑄 誠 大 廈 A1911 室
Qingdao 青岛 (0532) 8502 6046 (0532) 8502 6047 中 國 青 島 市 香 港 中 路 12 號 豐 合 廣 場 B 區 705A
Shenzhen 深圳 (0755) 8826 2800 (0755) 8826 7000 中 國 深 圳 市 福 田 區 福 中 三 路 諾 德 中 心 12 樓

Protech Components Ltd In HongKong

City Contact Tel Fax Email Address
(852) 2950 2888 (852) 2950 2828 香 港 九 龍 觀 塘 成 業 街 11 號 華 成 工 商 中 心 三 樓 第 二 座